Wednesday, February 18, 2009

A New Dawn

       I bring to you the summer of my daydreams--the culmination of this elastic moment stretching far into the past and future.  The sundry days that rest around my  immediate perception I now have a kinship with.  I rest easy on their soil and tread comfortably on their footing.
     Here I have not unraveled any dark mystery, nor foreclosed any doorway to any stark painful realities; rather, I speak of an extended self, my instrument of perception exfoliating a thousand antennae-receptors among the abounding world.  Here I dream no future or revel any past, my movement through time dances with what I experience--dreams here are the speech of presences that surround... I listen and smile to their fortuitous tune.
     Here and now is the only moment I could possibly know, and be its foundation a gift for a brevity: the effects of sunshine, the freedom from some daunting austere presences, or the immediate acceptance, understanding and forgiveness of some woeful experiences--be this moment unsustainable, the knowledge thereof I now have as a beam of faith and hope.
     To those mired in complexity and sorrow, with haunting pasts and dislocating futures--pray for the strength to bear your pain; resolve oneself to hold your moral footing; to run into the depths of loneliness, ennui, abandonment, mistrust--remember, we are nothing more or less than the illuminated babe received by a world we could very well call Mother, ironically, through the gateway of our mother. 
Be it that we may embrace or be embraced... there will always stand the presence of a man or woman, who walked to the strand beneath a brooding and comforting firmament of night, who looked toward the descended horizon, who took the conjured ocean winds and starlit rays into his pores, who realized this moment I am not alone, who realized he'd never been or could be, who realized there are simple languages always speaking--smiles and comforts our thoughts too often cloud.

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